Significant Extant Railroad/Railway Structures of North America

As compiled by the Railroad Station Historical Society, Inc.

Click on a state/province below to view lists.

U.S flag Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Canadian flag Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland NW Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon Territory Mexican flag Mexico

Structure Type

Abbreviations used on the charts listing remaining railroad/railway structures are as follows:

B Railroad bridge/trestle C Railroad combination depot Cd Locomotive coaling station (coal dock) Eh Enginehouse
F Railroad freight depot Gt Gatetower IB Interurban/trolley bridge/trestle IC Interurban combination depot
ICb Interurban/trolley carbarn IF Interurban freight depot IP Interurban/trolley passenger depot IPh Interurban/trolley powerhouse
ISh Interurban/trolley shop IS Interurban substation M Miscellaneous Railroad Building O Railroad Office Building
P Railroad passenger depot Rh Roundhouse Sh Railroad shop building T Interlocking/Signal tower/cabin
Tn Tunnel Tt Turntable Wt Water tank Y Railroad yard structure


The Railroad Station Historical Society has been compiling lists of passenger, freight, and combination railroad, trolley, and interurban depots; interurban substations, power houses, shops, and carbarns; railroad interlocking and signal towers, railroad enginehouses, roundhouses, and shop buildings: water tanks; coaling docks; bridges, trestles, tunnels and other structures serving railroads and electric railways for over thirty years. Since these structures are a disappearing part of our industrial landscape we offer the following guide to such structures still standing across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Under each state or province below is a list of remaining structures arranged by county or geographic area or in some cases alphabetically.

Many of these structures are on private property. Permission should be sought in all cases before entering or photographing non-public property. Please respect the property of others and follow all safety rules when near active railroad lines. Do not trespass! The inclusion of a structure within these lists should not be construed as granting access.

Consider these listings works in progress. They are obviously incomplete; some include structures that have since been removed and others fail to list structures that are certainly significant. This site will grow as modifications, additions, and deletions are received from observers across the continent. Where sites already exist, links occur. Most of these non-RSHS sites are specialized, listing only passenger depots or towers. Eventually these sites will be supplemented with a RSHS site listing other railroad and electric railway structures. If you can help in any area, whether you know of one existing structure or have an entire state/province list, please email your data to or mail it to Mark J. Camp, Dept. of EEES, the University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio 43606.


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